Our company is included in Jiangsu Province electronic traceability system pilot enterprises.

Time: 2014-09-19 11:50  Author: This site

Jiangsu Food and Drug Administration actively promotes the construction of electronic traceability system for dairy products, liquor and food additives production enterprises, which has been listed in "Key Points of Work of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in 2014" and "Ten Key Works of the Provincial Government in 2014".

In order to orderly promote the construction of the electronic traceability system, Jiangsu Provincial Bureau requires the supervision departments of 13 provincial-level cities to recommend the third-class enterprises under their jurisdiction as pilot demonstration enterprises according to the conditions of having a certain production scale, having a certain information work foundation, and no major product quality and safety accidents within three years.

Our company is fortunate to be one of the pilot demonstration companies. By studying the "Electronic Tetrix System Retrospective Code and Enterprise Packaging Line Reconstruction Plan of Jiangsu Food Manufacturing Enterprise Electronic Tracking System", our company strictly prepares every link of all products of the entire plant in accordance with its requirements and specifications, and lay back to the entire product. solid foundation.

Through four months of efforts, the enterprise realized real-time data acquisition, tracking and monitoring of the whole production process from raw materials into the factory to finished products sold out of the warehouse. The electronic traceability system realizes the traceability of three platforms. The first one is the universal platform of the enterprise, which is convenient for the internal inquiry and traceability of the enterprise. The second is the government's supervision platform, which is convenient for the supervision department to query and trace. The third is the public inquiry platform, which is convenient for consumers to inquire about the product information. In the past our enterprise implementation of ISO9000 and ISO22000 quality management system, the enterprise itself has a product traceability system, through the electronic traceability system to achieve the goal of paperless, greatly improve the work efficiency, at the same time in the product quality problems can achieve rapid traceability, so that the product quality is better controlled, finally realize the effective supervision of consumers and society, enhance the corporate image.