The National Health and Family Planning Commission further strengthened the follow-up and evaluation of national food safety standards.

Time: 2023-03-06 09:15  Author: This site

The National Health and Family Planning Commission further strengthened the follow-up and evaluation of national food safety standards.

Not long ago, in order to implement the Food Safety Law and the work arrangement of The State Council, and establish and implement the "most rigorous standards", we now put forward the following requirements for the follow-up and evaluation of national food safety standards:

First, perform all duties in accordance with the law, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and do a good job in the follow-up evaluation of standards.

The health and family planning administrative departments at the provincial level shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Food Safety Law, publish the national, local and enterprise standards for food safety formulated and recorded on their websites for the convenience of the public to download and refer to. In conjunction with provincial departments of food and drug supervision and administration, quality supervision, agriculture, industry and information technology, food and other departments, to track and evaluate the implementation of the national standards for food safety, and designate technical institutions responsible for collecting and summarizing opinions on the national standards for food safety. In a timely manner through the national food safety risk assessment center (hereinafter referred to as the food assessment center) website collection platform ( is allowed to open opinion about opinions and Suggestions. All localities should include the tracking and evaluation of standards into the local government's annual work plan and assessment of food safety, as an effective measure to fully understand the implementation of food safety standards and improve the food safety standard system. Provincial health and family planning administrative departments should strengthen the guidance and training of standard tracking evaluation, constantly strengthen the training of standard talents and teachers, and constantly improve the ability and service level of standard work.

All localities shall take the initiative to collect and summarize problems found in the implementation of food safety standards and suggestions for modification by relevant departments under their jurisdiction, food production and marketing enterprises, inspection and testing institutions, food industry associations (institutes) and other units together with relevant regulatory authorities; The relevant units can also be asked to directly feed back their opinions through the website opinion collection platform of the Food Assessment Center.

If the food production and marketing enterprises, trade associations, inspection and monitoring and other relevant units find any problems in the implementation of food safety standards, they shall report to the relevant departments in time or give feedback directly through the opinion collection platform of the website of the Food Evaluation Center.

Second, problem-oriented, strengthen organizational leadership, and do a good job in tracking and evaluating key standards.

The National Health and Family Planning Commission shall, together with other relevant departments, organize the formulation of the annual work plan for tracking and evaluating the national standards for key food safety. The Food Evaluation Center has put forward the annual tracking evaluation catalog and evaluation key points of key national standards (see the attachment for the annual tracking evaluation catalog and evaluation key points from 2015 to 2016). All localities shall, in accordance with the catalogue and key points of tracking evaluation of key national standards, specifically carry out tracking evaluation of key national standards, and may, in light of the actual situation of their respective jurisdictions, add criteria for tracking evaluation of key national standards. Provincial health and family planning departments shall collect opinions and suggestions on key standards from all parties by conducting in-depth research at the grassroots level, organizing training courses and symposiums, and carrying out standard publicity activities, and timely submit corresponding reports to the Food evaluation Center.

The provincial Health and Family Planning Commission shall entrust the provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention to organize the training of inspection method standards for all local systems, food production enterprises and third-party food safety-related inspection institutions before the end of 2015, collect opinions on inspection method standards and related standards, and timely feed back the collected opinions and suggestions to the food evaluation Center.

Third, unblock channels, pool wisdom, and constantly improve the scientific and practical nature of national standards for food safety.

The Food Evaluation Center is responsible for the specific technical work of tracking and evaluating the national standards for food safety. The food evaluation center should open channels, take various measures, and collect questions and suggestions raised by various parties in the follow-up evaluation of standards. Experts in relevant fields such as the relevant professional committees of the National Standards Review and Evaluation Committee, relevant trade associations and technical institutions shall be organized to analyze and evaluate the opinions and suggestions collected in a timely manner, and according to the analysis and evaluation results, relevant suggestions for revising the standards shall be put forward to the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

The National Health and Family Planning Commission will conduct supervision and inspection on the tracking and evaluation of food safety standards in all localities in due course. Local health and family planning commissions should do a good job of self-inspection and summary in time after the follow-up evaluation. The tracking and evaluation of local food safety standards can be carried out by referring to the tracking and evaluation of national standards.