Good quality requires a serious spirit.

Time: 2023-03-06 09:11  Author: This site

● Unqualified raw and auxiliary materials are not allowed to enter the factory 

● Unqualified semi-finished products are not allowed to enter the next process.

Unqualified products are not allowed to leave the factory.

Our work philosophy is prevention-oriented, adhering to the "do it right the first time" attitude, and making quality a way of life.

-- Philip Crowsby, master of Zero defect quality management

They are microscopes, do not miss any small detail; They are also a scale sensitive balance, in the process of quality inspection is fair, just, open, based on facts, with data to speak; They are magnifying glass, always implement the principle of "quality first", everything around the quality requirements, magnify their responsibilities, magnify.

Yes, they are the quality inspectors. The eye of the enterprise, the guardian of quality.

As the saying goes: success requires all efforts, failure only requires one link.

Benjamin Franklin has a very famous poem, "The Nail and the King": "A nail is lost, a shoe is broken; Break a shoe, break a horse; He broke a horse and wounded a knight; Wounded a knight, lost a battle; A battle was lost. An empire was lost."

The destruction of a kingdom by a trivial nail shows the importance of details.     It is the same for a business.

In our company, the quality of conscience is not just a slogan, but the implementation of every employee, through every detail of real action. From the purchase of raw materials, production and processing of products, to the delivery of finished products, every production process to excellence, every link to the layers of checks, no negligence.     

It is with this group of conscientious staff, with this serious spirit, our products won a good reputation.